Al-Amwal : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah

Al-Amwal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Islamic Banking Syariah Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. The journal publishes papers in the accounting and finance field that contribute significantly to the development of the economic and sharia banking profession in Indonesia. Al-Amwal is published twice a year, the first edition was published in July and the second edition was published in December. Al Amwal receives academic and academic research results from both internal and external. Al Amwal has been registered with ISSN 2303-1573 for the print version and e-ISSN 2527-3876 for the online version.

Al-Amwal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah has been accredited SINTA 4   at June 6, 2022 by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of The Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal in Decree (SK Dirjen No. 105/E/KPT/2022) and effective until 2026.

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Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Table of Contents


Macroeconomic and Economic Policy Uncertainty on Index Movement: An Empirical Study of the Islamic Capital Market in Indonesia PDF
Faiq Maulana Wafi, Santi Merlinda 139-158
Exploring Trust Dynamics in Islamic Insurance Company PDF
Abdul Halim, Tubagus Ismail, Faizul Mubarok 159-171
Strategy for Increasing Interest in Muzakki Through Digital Payment Applications: Case Study in Baznas Jombang PDF
Fitriyatus Sofiyah, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh 172-184
The Potential of Halal Culinary Tourism Among Non-Muslim Communities in Bali PDF
Rokhmat Subagiyo, Achmad Syaichoni 185-203
How Zakat Moderating the Influence of Human Development Index, Labor, Gross Regional Domestic Product on Poverty in Central Java? PDF
Halla Novitasari, Qi Mangku Bahjatulloh, Wartoyo Wartoyo 204-219
Influence of Religious Culture, Tourism Revitalization, Visitor Interest, and BUMDES Empowerment to Welfare of Business Operators in Benowo Park Tourism PDF
Fitri Mukarromah, Nur Ilyas Subakti, Amalliyah Amalliyah 220-233
Modeling The Human Development Index in Islamic Economic Perspective: Empirical Evidence from Jambi Province PDF
Elyanti Rosmanidar, Titin Agustin Nengsih 234-243
Millennial Generation's Intention to Use E-Wallet Through the UTAUT2 Model PDF
Emy Widyastuti, Layaman Layaman 244-255
Measuring The Performance of Indonesian Sharia Commercial Banks Using The Maqashid Sharia Index And Profitability Approach PDF
Abi Zidan Mahendra, Adityawarman Adityawarman 256-272
Legality of Qiyas in Legal Terms: The Implementation in Islamic Economics and Finance PDF
Muhammad Baharudin Syah, Muhajirin Muhajirin 273-286