Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains [p-ISSN 2303-1530| e-ISSN 2527-7596] publishes a scientific paper the result of the study and review of the literature in the sphere of natural sciences education and natural science. Additionally, this journal also covers the issues of environmental education & environmental science. This journal published twice a year in June and December.
This journal published by the Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon collaborates with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII) / Indonesian Society for Science Educators. MOU here
This journal has been indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, EBSCO, Moraref, Garuda Sinta, and more indexing.
Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains has been accredited SINTA 3 at 1th April 2020 by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation (Ristek-BRIN) of The Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal in Decree (No. 85/M/KPT/2020) and effective until 2024.
Posted: 2023-01-23 | |
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Vol 12, No 2 (2023): December 2023
Table of Contents
Optimizing respiratory system learning: The role of simple practicum teaching aids in improving cognitive and science process skills | |
Ika Zahrotus Sholihah, Muhamad Jalil, Aan Setiawan | 98-110 |
Development of Cucurbitaceae family-based e-module in Kudus Regency for learning Spermatophyta | |
Mohamad Aqib Maulana Wahid, Muhamad Jalil | 111-122 |
Problem Based Learning Model Integrated Islamic Values with Mind Mapping Assessment to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills | |
Uyumatul Ummah, Evi Roviati, Mujib Ubaidillah |